Commit. Act. Impact.


Our Vision

A world nourished by a just and regenerative grocery industry. 

Our Mission

To activate rigorous climate action in the grocery industry. 

Our Values

Collaborative. Strategic. Inclusive. Impactful. Ego-Free. Determined.

Our Story

It all began with a conversation between two moms, Lara Dickinson of OSC2 and Jessica Rolph of Happy Family. Seeing the visible and growing effects of climate change in their communities and fearing for their children’s futures, they pondered what our industry could do. They joined forces with Katherine DiMatteo of the Sustainable Food Trade Association (SFTA) and sustainability leader Nancy Hirshberg, and the Collaborative was born.

The Climate Collaborative launched as a project of OSC2 and SFTA on Climate Day at Expo West on March 8, 2017.   

The Sustainable Food Lab, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit, became the Climate Collaborative’s partner and fiscal sponsor, and remained so until April of 2021 when the Climate Collaborative incorporated as an independent organization and applied for 501 (C) 3 status with the Internal Revenue Service.

Today, the Climate Collaborative is an independent organization with more than seven hundred companies that have made 2600+ commitments to climate action. Since our founding, the imperative for bold climate action has only continued to grow. We are more committed than ever to working collaboratively with the natural products community and beyond to put our nation and our world on a path to solving the climate crisis and creating a healthier, more just, and equitable world.

Our Manifesto

We are manufacturers, retailers, distributors, brokers, suppliers, and other concerned businesses from the natural foods industry working collaboratively to take bold action to reverse climate change. 

We are a community of businesses joining forces to create pathways to action, connecting companies to resources and working together to create solutions. We shine a light on success stories and recognize companies for their great climate work which in turn inspires more companies to act. 

We are a catalyst for change. Big, bold change.

We’re turning-up the heat to challenge our peers to up their climate game. 

Climate change is here now.

We already feel its effects. While climate change is one of the biggest risks ever to face humankind, read more...


Climate Collaborative J.E.D.I. Statement

Climate justice is a core tenet of the Climate Collaborative. We recognize that the devastating impacts of climate change disproportionately hurt the most vulnerable and marginalized communities. The food industry contributes nearly a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide and sits at the nexus of climate change, agriculture, immigration, education, policy and health. As an industry, we must acknowledge our complicity to the climate crisis, take responsibility for our share, and work together to take action and reverse climate change.

We are committed to embedding justice, equity, diversity and inclusion into our work because it is critical to advancing our mission of reversing climate change through bold action and collaboration and to do our part in dismantling past inequities that continue to persist. 

We aim to make this commitment evident in our program and educational offerings and our organizational structure and makeup–increasing the diversity of our staff and board, our committed companies and partners. 

We commit to centering and uplifting voices of those most marginalized within our commitment program and people and companies making strides to dismantle broken systems and rebuild a more inclusive, diverse and equitable food system. 

We understand this work is never done–that we must commit to continuous education, listening to and learning from diverse communities to deepen our cultural awareness as individuals and as an organization to create a true collaborative equipped to more holistically support a healthy, just, and regenerative future.


All organizations listed on Climate Collaborative website have made a public commitment to climate action and have agreed to let the Climate Collaborative make that commitment public on our website and in our communications. This is in no way an endorsement by the Climate Collaborative or a certification of any kind. The Climate Collaborative logo may not be used without the written permission of the Climate Collaborative. 


Board of Directors

corinne_shindelar.jpg Corinne Shindelar

 Board Chair
 All Natural Strategies, LLC


 Julia Collins

 Founder & CEO,
 Planet FWD



 Kate Ogden

 Head of Advocacy and Movement Building,
 Seventh Generation



Katie_Clark.jpg Katie Clark

 Senior Environmental Sustainability Manager,



Lara_square.jpg Lara Jackle Dickinson

 Climate Collaborative Co-Founder 
 Executive Director & Co-Founder, OSC2



 Patrick Smith

 Managing Partner,
 Wolf Tree Ventures



Sherry_Frey_Headshot.jpeg Sherry Frey

 Vice President of Total Wellness, 
 NielsenIQ (NIQ)




Pineau_headshot_square.jpeg Courtney Pineau

 Executive Director



 CAITLIN_OLESON_500X500.jpgCaitlin Oleson

 Director of Operations & Programming



Jeff_Head_Square.jpeg Jeff Bos
 Lead Facilitator





t.bandel2.png Tobias Bandel

 The Landbanking Group


Berkenkamp_photo_for_public_use_-_cropped.jpg JoAnne Berkenkamp

 Managing Director,
 MBOLD initiative



LindaBrown.jpg Linda Brown
 Senior Vice President,
 SCS Global Services




PaulHawken.jpg Paul Hawken

 Executive Director,
 Project Drawdown




Anne_Kelly_crop.jpg Anne Kelly

 Vice President of Government Relations, CERES
 Director, BICEP


Makower1.jpg Joel Makower
 Chairman & Executive Editor,
 GreenBiz Group, Inc. 




 Carlotta Mast

 SVP & Market Leader,
 New Hope Network



daniellenierenburg.jpg Danielle Nierenberg

 Food Tank


carapike.jpg Cara Pike

 Founder & Director,
 Climate Access


Roulac_Headshot.jpg John Roulac



JShade.jpg Jessica Shade
 Director of Science Programs,
 The Organic Center



EricToensmeier.jpg Eric Toensmeier

 Author of The Carbon Farming Solution
 Senior Fellow, Project Drawdown





Thank You to Our Donors

Climate Collaborative Allies